Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Summing It Up.

So as most of you know I used to way 200lbs. I sort of low carbed my way all to way down to 168lbs which I reached in January of 2011. In December 2010 I got the news of having T1 cancer cells located on my cervix. Apparently many catch this virus during c-sections which is rather confusing to me since hospitals are suppose to be CLEAN. Anyways, I knew I had to change my ways of living big time. I knew that losing weight the way I did was not healthy. I lost most of my muscle mass! January I started doing Chalean Extreme. One of the easier workouts from Beachbody. "Easy" my bum! It was so hard and every day was a struggle. The eating part was hard as well since I just stopped low carbing....I felt sick whenever I would eat carbs. More blood tests where done to find out I am borderline diabetic. Quite easy to get a hand on...just need to find the carbs that work for me. After my first month of Chalean Extreme I saw NO change. I gained a few pounds but lost inches. This sucked! I kept pushing play...and put my scale away. At this point I was at 1800 calories a day. I added a Zuzana Light workout here and there though I could feel I was getting stronger I did not see a difference until Day 60. How I wished I would have taken pictures though I was way to ashamed. By day 60 I lost 8 inches and 15lbs. Guess the diet was working! Now I was hooked...I knew sooner or later I will see more results IN THE MIRROR...because pants started to be loser which I did not care much for. I wanted to SEE it. I started adding 5-15 minutes of jump rope daily but all in all worked out only 5 days a week. By day 90 I lost 30lbs and 13inches. I took my before pictures for P90X (basically day 90 of Chalean Extreme). With P90X I had the same "issue" I lost 2lbs (whaaat!?!?!) and a few inches. But guess what? Finally EVERYTHING started to pick up fast. It took 120 days for ME to see change...for skin to get tighter. For me to believe it. Past that point I hardly cared for the scale anymore. I wanted to be healthy, wanted to beat cancer...if I can top it of with some hotness? SWEET! From time to time I felt myself getting angry over my large stretch marks...here I was, my skin tightening up more yet the stretchmarks stayed (they just moved closer to my back (weird...lol). But no matter what I always found my way back due to my awesome husband and friends. I kept pushing play and by the end of P90X I lost another 8lbs and about 8 inches. You could REALLY see it now. I did The Asylum after that...always wanted to be as fast as a rabbit. It surely did it's job and pushed me to my limit BIG time. Here and there I was able to have a fun day yet most of my fun day could have still be considered clean...because there was still this cancer thing in the back of my head. After The Asylum I did my own little P90X maintain hybrid. I lost so many inches in those 6 weeks! CRAZY. End of November I got the news. Cancer is GONE. I am fine, just need to have check ups done every 3-6 months. Beachbody and a good diet did that. I am sure of it :) Thank you for all of your support. Never forget WHY you are doing this! Push yourself to live this life as healthy as you can...while enjoying it. 

My apologies on not posting as much lately, I am still pushing play of course. Just am rather busy to post it all :)

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