Friday, December 30, 2011

Balance And Power

Good evening everyone.

What a day! So much running around. I had a mommy son day today since my husband took our daughter to work. It was awesome to spent "just me and Jacob" time. We went to to Lowes and before we went in my 5 year old told me that I will have to sneak into the store because it is just for men. 
I was a total cliche in that store...only because I looked and sounded like an idiot explaining myself in English when I wanted to spit out an explanation in German. Turns out, when it comes to hardware, my English sucks! First fun thing was that my son pretended to play Skyrim...slaying Dragons and such...he also kept yelling out that I should not be in here because I am a female. I then asked the sales man "where is your wood". can imagine the look on his face. 

Anyways, yesterday I did a short, 30 minute, lethal leg workout. I was giggling the whole time saying how easy it is...this morning though my hams and buns are BURNING.
X2 Balance and Power was nice. I forgot to write down reps because I was semi busy explaining my son how to do the exercises. 
After my workout I had my fun food of the day. A mini Red Velvet cup cake that had 90 calories (thanks Target for being awesome).

Thursday, December 29, 2011

New Years!

2 more days until 2012!! As you weigh potential New Year's Resolutions, consider these numbers:

- Average cost of 1 yr gym membership: $720.
- Average cost of 1 yr boot-camp membership: $2400.
- Cost of Jenny Craig per month (including food): $500+.
* Cost of top Beachbody fitness programs like P90X and P90X2  $119.
* Cost of personal Beachbody coach: FREE!!


Wednesday, December 28, 2011

X2 Total Body And Such

Good day all of you :)
Can you believe it is almost New Years Eve? This year flew by in such speed. Or I am the one going at faster speed. Ha!
This darn cold is still bothering being healthier is awesome yet when I was overweight I got better and was done for a few weeks. Now it is lingering much much longer yet it is no where near as bad as it used to be. It is just making me weak without taking me out. At the end of the night I am absolutely beat yet I wake at night because my throat hurts. I sort of wish to be just really sick for two days and be done with it. Guess I should load up on some Vitamin C. :)
Today I had X2 Total Body on the menu and it went quite good. I did not look at my numbers from last week to see after if I improved on my own. I am happy with the results. I also used my Chin-Up Max the very first time and am rather upset that I did not get one earlier. It is a HUGE difference. A chair is fine and dandy but you will always, no matter what, find yourself cheating. No can do with the Chin-Up Max... Chin-Up Max

Something totally off topic. If you decide to lose weight and become healthy please do it for the right reasons. Prolonging your life...being there for your loved ones, becoming faster, overcoming addiction and LOVE yourself. The way you will look is just the tiny cherry on top. This took a bit for me to realize but I am quite happy to have a kick butt machine as a body that runs just as well as it is suppose to do. Yep, your body IS a temple...treat is well.

Here are my numbers from today :)

1. 1-Arm Chest Press  15/15 with 10lbs/ 15/15 with 10lbs (improved 3 in round 1)
2. 4-Position Pull-Up  12/9 (improved even though numbers are down. Chin-Up Max in use)
3. Push-Up Side Arm Balance  10/8 (improved 3 in round one and 2 in round 2)
4. Switch Lunge Press 12 with 10lbs/12 with 10lbs (more weight then last week.)
5. Warrior 3 Kickback 15 with 5lbs/ 15 with 5lbs (improved 5 in round 1 and 3 in round 2)
6. Warrior 3 Curl  12 with 10lbs/10 with 10lbs (more weight and more reps!!!)
7. Boing Push-Ups  12/12 (huge improvement 6 more in round 1 and 2.)
8. Crunchy Lever Pull-Up  6/5 (same numbers yet better form by far)
9. Mule Kick Burpee 5/6 10/7 (big improvement as well. 5 more in round 1 and 1 more round 2)
10. Swimmer's Curl Press in 1/2 Chair 12 with 10lbs/10 with 10lbs (used more weight)
11. Balance Kickback on Stability Ball  12/12 with 5lbs/12/12 with 5lbs (3 more in round 1. Still hardest move for me)
12. Rocket Launcher Preacher Curl 15 with 10lbs/15 with 10lbs (3 more in round 1)

Monday, December 26, 2011

Plyocide, again. O_O

I hope everyone had a joyful Christmas! Today was a very nice calm day, I surely could have it like that every day. 
I went back to clean eating and feel much better besides a headache which I have from all the crap I have eaten. I realized I have a huge problem with food and always will have a problem. Don't get me wrong I love eating clean but due to that head cold and the Holidays I just "did not care" fun day turned into four fun days which where not to much fun anymore. I was sick to my stomach and still ate! Just shows that this is a problem and I will always have to make conscious decisions for the rest of my life.
Anyways, Plyocide went well. I had a great amount of energy! Average hr was at 156.
Here is my mugshot for today. 

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Merry Christmas :D

Merry Christmas to all of you! 
But guess what!? 
Oh yes I did... X2 Core. Merry Christmas :D

1. Sphinx Plank Crunch 12
2. Warrior 3 Cross Crunch 8/8
3. Single Leg Walk Out to Sphinx 5/5
4. Half Angel 10/10
5. Roller Boat 12
6. 3 Speed Med Ball Push-Ups 10
7. One Leg Lateral Leap Squat 14
8. Core Circle 40 seconds
9. Holmsen Screamer Lunge 15/15
10. Med Ball Dreya Roll 8lbs 12
11. Plank Burpee on Stability Ball 10
12. Banana Ball Switch Crunch 12 with Stability Ball
13. 3-Point Squat Press with Med Ball 8lbs 15
14. Slo-Mo Balance Climber 20
15. X2 Diver 10 on my feet!!!!
16. Ryan Sphinx Twist Crunch 10/10
17. One Leg Med Ball Burpee 8lbs 6

Friday, December 23, 2011

500 Reps And X2 Balance And Core.

500 reps night. 200 Push-Ups, 100 lunges, 50 squads and 50 one legged squads, 100 hip trusts! All on top of X2 Balance and Power....DONE! (17 minutes)

Did not record the workout today due to a horrid head cold. Yesterday I felt as though someone took a gun and held it next to my ear and then shoot so I had to skip X2 Yoga. During P90X I had the Chicken Pox and still work out so you can imagine how badly I felt yesterday. I feel a tad better today, was able to do my X2 Balance and Power...numbers where the same as last week yet I had to work harder to get to those numbers.

Christmas is almost here! So here is a picture of my adorable kids. DEAL with it.


Wednesday, December 21, 2011

X2 Total Body Week Two.

WOAAAH!! I am totally buzzing today. Went shopping quite early to get some more things and stuff for making cookies. The store was a zoo... absolutely crazy and there where tons of unhappy and unfriendly people. Anyways, when we got home we started making cookies right away which left my kitchen in a huge sugar cookie dough/sprinkle mess. When I was done cleaning my kitchen it was already noon...I then realized that I have not eaten anything which pushed my workout back a tad. I ate a protein bar, downed a shake and waited a bit. Due to all that and not eating right my numbers are down compared to last week even though I feel so much stronger. I don't care too much though. I know and see that I am getting stronger and not eating in the am is my fault. Figured that if I leave my house any later the stores would be even worse. At least my little humans had fun! 
Here are today's numbers and a short video!

1. 1-Arm Chest Press 12/12 with 10lbs/ 15/15 with 10lbs
2. 4-Position Pull-Up 13/12
3. Push-Up Side Arm Balance 7/6
4. Switch Lunge Press 20 right with 5lbs/19 left with 5lbs
5. Warrior 3 Kickback 10 with 5 lbs/12 with 5lbs
6. Warrior 3 Curl 10 with 5lbs/ 14 with 5lbs
7. Boing Push-Ups 6/6 (note to self...DON'T SMASH YOUR FACE!!!!)
8. Crunchy Lever Pull-Up 6/6 (just a leg raise with chin-up)
9. Mule Kick Burpee 5/6
10. Swimmer's Curl Press in 1/2 Chair 15 with 5lbs/18 with 5lbs (up weights next time)
11. Balance Kickback on Stability Ball 12/9 with 5lbs/ 12/12 with 5lbs (what the fudge!)
12. Rocket Launcher Preacher Curl 12 with 10lbs/15 with 10lbs

Monday, December 19, 2011

Plyocide, Again.

Here we go, my first P90X 2 video. Excuse the fuzziness. I did not realize it until I put it together and I really did not feel like redoing it. haha
Average Heart  Rate was at 166 though I hit a point where it was up at 181 O_O. My hr rocks though, it drops super fast. Now I am hungry!
This is all for today...Took me a while to get the video together. All in all I had to do only 4 penalty Push-Ups for losing balance yet at the end I was so toast that that Plyo Push-Ups turned out VERY ugly. 
Enjoy your Holidays!

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Week Two of Phase One.

So here we are again with X2 Core. I had quite a hard time with this one the first time around but what can I say? I basically rocked it today. One or two sets still sort of kicked my behind but I kept up and did only 1-2 reps less then the people in the video. Yay me.
This is about all for today. :) Sorry!!

Friday, December 16, 2011

X2 Balance and Power

Normally I get quite scared of hard workouts but I was more excited for this one knowing it is picking up where X2 Core left of. I will feel this one for sure tomorrow! 
I felt so unstable on my ball and my core was engaged all through the workout. Plus...I was sweating a lot! I actually got to write down my numbers! This is one of the workouts Tony does not speak AS much. lol
Here we go, numbers, pictures and food ratio!

Sphinx to Plank Plyo Bounce 8reps
1-Leg Plyo Squat Reach 8/8reps
1-Leg Plyo Squat Reach 8lbs med ball + 5lbs  27reps
1-Leg Plyo Squat Reach 10reps
1-Leg Plyo Squat Reach 8reps each leg
Forearm Alt Side Plank 14reps
Decline Sphinx Plank Press 9reps
Weighted Katherine 5lbs 20reps
Plank X Crunch 9/9reps
Renegade Row ½ Lolasana 5lbs 7 full reps
Glute Bridge Roll Out 15reps
Over/Under Boat 20reps with broom stick
Warrior Row Press 10lbs 7/7 reps
Split Lunge 9/9reps
Crawly Crab Press 5lbs 8reps
Lateral Plyo Push-Up 10reps
Lunge Kneel Knee Raise 5lbs 10/10reps
X Plank Spider Twist 12reps
Dumbbell Row to Side Plank 5lbs 12reps
Dumbbell Super Burpee 5lbs 8reps
Plank Ball Crunch 10reps

Equipment Required for X2 Balance and Power:
Stability Ball, Weights, Mat, Medicine Ball.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

X2 Yoga, How Short And Sweet.

Most of us dread P90X's YogaX. Surely you might worry or wonder how X2 Yoga will be like? was shorter! 63 minutes instead of 90 Minutes. Do to that all happens a bit faster and I had a good shake/sweat going within 10 minutes of this workout. I have a bit of  a cough so on of the moves almost made me land in the Christmas Tree. :) 
Here are some pictures! I am going to have some beef jerky now and will then continue with my daily life; Tending to babies while I try to keep the house clean (ish). 


Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Total X2 Butt Kick Ehhh, I Mean X2 Total Body.

Now wasn't this something! I thought it would be worse, to the point where I would not be able to do any of the moves, but I did quite well and was able to do all move but the Crunchy Pull-Up. Mule Kick Burpees? Whoever came up with this move is gaga in the head! I did between 8-15 reps with everything. 
I can not wait to take videos next week. You are all going to have something to laugh at. Diet is going well. Some day's I am lower on fat but I pick up on it most of the time. Pecans baby...they safe me.

Monday, December 12, 2011


Oh dear...or holy monkey nipple. This was insane but it in a good way. I had a good amount of energy this morning though after a doc appointment, Christmas shopping and waiting way to long for my meds I feared not having the energy anymore, plus my nose is stuffed and my kiddos have a cold. BUT it is a new workout so I was rather excited to do it. 
The entire Plyocide workout is 55 minutes long yet about 18 minutes are for Warm-Up, foam rolling and Cool Down. Tony called one of the moves the "stepmother in-law of all moves"...needless to say it was crazy. 
To compare...with P90X's Plyo my average heart rate was always at 153 but with P90X 2's Plyocide it was at 167...the last move was a Set Sprint Plank Plyo Jump move(s) (hope I got that right), my heart rate, with this move, went to 172 (but went down to 130 within 30 seconds so I am good, haha).
It is a great workout all in all. I was challenged but would say The Asylum (Vertical darn Plyo) helped me tons here. 
Hope all of your days are less stressful as mine! Eat clean!


Sunday, December 11, 2011

First Day Of P90X 2! X2 Core


uhm...just got my bum handed to me by X2 Core. Yes I started today (to have my rest day Saturdays. I feel challenged and totally burned out. Heart rate was at 157! NO cardio needed here. It was very hard and the moved are insane. Plus I now have rug burns. LOL
I did not count any reps but kept up besides the One Legged Med Ball Burpees. (I did 6 instead of 12).
My husband, whom was on and off with P90X started with me and I was absolutely AMAZED! Where I have more balance and strength (har har) he knows tons about form and such and pushed me to my limit!  <3
I also have to pay a  lot more attention to my calories. Where I eat clean I have always had problems with getting up to 1800 calories. Sooner or later I will start posting my food logs to hold me accountable. I have to go shopping first though. lol

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Post Hybrid Pics.

So here is the thing. I lost 80lbs of yes my bum is semi saggy. I have tons of muscle under there (promise) but my skin will take time. I will have to continue eating clean and now kick ass with P90X 2. 
I lost 3lbs (managed to gain some back, yay me!)  with my 6 week hybrid and 5.4 inches. (pretty darn good for 6 weeks!). 
I also did my P90X 2 fit test today. Here are my numbers and Before and Afters. 

Resting Heart Rate: 72
Wide Front Pull-Ups: 2.5 (no chair...this is REALLY hard)
Vertical Leap: 12 inches (thought it be way more)
Push-Ups until failure: 23
Toe Touch: + 5inches
Wall Squats: 2 minutes and 28 seconds
Biceps Curls: 24 (10lbs)
In and Outs: 52
Heart Rate Maximizer: after 2 minutes of Jumping Jacks 132, 1 min after stopping: 96, 2 min after stopping: 90, 3 min after stopping: 90, 4 min after stopping: 78.

Inches lost with my hybrid:

Day 1, Hybrid 124.9lbs
right arm 10 inches     
left arm 9.8 inches    
right leg 19.9 inches  
left leg 19.9 inches   
butt 36  inches         
waist 25.1 inches      
hip bone 32.2 inches
Day 45, Hybrid 121.9lbs

right arm 10 inches
left arm 10 inches
right leg 18.5 inches
left leg 18 inches
butt 35.1 inches
waist 24.1 inches
hip bone 32 inched

Thursday, December 8, 2011

P90X 2!!!

Guess what Santa just brought to my door early?! Yep, P90X 2 made it here. I am so excited. You know how people bite their tognue or lip when they concentrate? Well my face looks all sort of funny when doing a Push-Up on 3 balls! HAHAHA, I will buy two additional medicine balls when I do the program a second time around. I am quite sure two and the giant shiny yoga ball will be enough for round 1! 


Those Push-Ups made me quite sore! Tuesday I made up my own little workout. I had an infant in the house and had a hard time finding time. So this was just perfect!

Okay, here is what I did. A whole bunch of coins...on the floor. Drop down and pick up one coin at the time. I think I had about 100 coins or so. You spent a good amount of time down there since at times you might lose one...or pick up two (on accident) which means one has to go back down (make sure you stand up all the way after each coin you pick up). Back quite straight...go into your heals and feel the burn. Then I took about 30 coins in my hand and every time I dropped down I would put a coin on top of the other one to build a tower...with one hand. (you spent even more time down there like that!!) If the tower falls...start over.

I will attach a picture to make more sense. Yesterday I was in SO much pain. My abs hurt because on top of all I am not just a health nut and mother but I am also a gamer. Skyrim is my new love. lol. This game as a lot of analog going on so whenever they talked in the game I lifted all of my body weight off of the chair, with my hands for at least 15 seconds. LOL
So I woke up yesterday with so much pain in my chest and back from Monday and unimaginable soreness in my quads and abs. emoticon I HAD to take it easy so I worked out the parts that didn't hurt for only 20 minutes. GO Beachbody...haha

Now...Today I am getting this awesome package. Yep...P90X 2 is coming! I am stopping my Hybrid today with Yoga X and starting P90X 2 ON MONDAY! I will post of course emoticon

<3 you all!

Monday, December 5, 2011

Chest...I Am Shaking

Good Monday to all. I hope you had a grand weekend like me! Besides all the snow of course *gags*
Today I did Chest and Back, just because I feel as though I left out too much Back in my hybrid. Sure enough I feel a tad weaker in that area. I did two of the Pull-Up sets without a chair and it drained me completely. Yes...I was close to crying. Ha!
Here are my numbers of today. I am rather busy with cleaning and homeschooling so I did not take a picture. 
Enjoy today!  

Standard Push-Ups 30 toes / 15 toes/15 knees
Wide Front Pull-Ups 7 no chair / 12 chair
Military Push-Ups 18 toes / 15 knees
Reverse Grip Chin-Ups 8 no chair / 12 chair
Wide Fly Push-Ups 32 toes / 8 toes/10 knees
Closed Grip OH Pull Up 12 chair/12 chair
Decline Push-Ups 28/20
Heavy Pants 10lbs 20/12
Diamond Push-Ups 18 toes/11 knees
Lawnmowers 10lbs 15/15 / 12/12
Dive-Bomber Push-Ups 11/6
Back Flys 10lbs 15/14

Total of 237 Push-Ups.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Happy Saturday!

Just decided, even though tomorrow is considered a rest day, that I will do some Yoga X. I miss it!

Oh and guess what?! My P90X 2 deluxe package just shipped. WUHUUU!!!

Best compliment today? "woah, sexy core!!!!" Plus, Jeans =  size 3, long. What to do with all those 14's and 16's?!

Friday, December 2, 2011

Sleeves Of Pain.

So, lately I tried to stick to lower weights for my arms to just get more endurance rather then size. 
I am pretty darn sore from the Killer Abs workout (ab pain is good) and still sort of feel my hams from two days ago so I figured I should do arms. I wanted to feel sore in my arms as well so I used bigger weights again while sticking to 12-15 reps....and OH MY GOSH did it hurt. I used Tony Hortons One on One Just Arms...Sleeves of Pain, and now I understand. Doing it with the lower weights is always fun, never painful but this!? HURT!!! I was grunting and moaning and cursing... "what the (*sees kids in the room*) fuuuudge".

It is VERY hard to take a mug after since my arms are shaking SO hard. Getting a focus, plus holding still, pressing a button AND flexing?? Impossible...I still tried. Check it out! 

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Killer Abs

Good day! I woke up this morning only to find tons of snow outside. It is cold. 
I was suppose to do cardio today but rather worked on my abs so I tossed in Killer Abs (One on One) and will also do Just Arms (One on One as well). 
I love living in Colorado...the only thing I dislike is the fact that it is so very dry here. My skin, all over my body, looks horrible and it does not feel good. I drink a gallon of water a day plus I use lotion...though it almost seems like lotion makes it worse. I tried others of course :)
Anyways, on today's pictures you can see the dry skin. 
Now I will enjoy some jerky :)

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Bun Shaper = PAIN!

I did it! I did Bun of my favorite workouts yet I also dread it because the next day I am always in pain. No other workout leaves my buns and legs as sore as One on One Bun Shaper with Tony Horton. 
Check out my picture :D

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Interval X

yeah yeah, I know. According to the Hybrid I was suppose to do Plyo X. I just did not feel like jumping so Interval X was very nice to do instead. I have quite the terrible sinus pressure so I figured jumping would not be to wise anyways. 
I got a good sweat on and without it I don't think I would have gotten anything done at all. Yet because the workout got me going I actually did a lot even though I feel so stuffed and sore from yesterday. Yay meTomorrow I have to do Bun Shaper. Fun workout but rather painful.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Chest/Shoulder/Triceps O_O

I forgot how hard P90X's Chest, Shoulder and Triceps is. Of course I said the same about Chest and Back yet I am semi certain that this one is worse. It takes all my energy to do this one. Yesterday I was progress day. I took my inches and weight myself. I am happy with the inch loss! 
I hope all of you are eating well after Thanksgiving. I have been living on turkey. 
Here we go!  

After 30 days of my own hybrid...which was very low key (5 times a week) I lost 2.6lbs and 2.3 inches.
Own Hybrid Day 30 122.3lbs

right arm 10 inches 0
left arm 10 inches +0.2
right leg 19 inches -0.9
left leg 19 inches -0.9
butt 35. 8 inches -0.2
hip 32.2 inches 0
waist 24.4 inches -0.5