So here we go. Yesterday morning my doc called me saying I should try to come in today for further tests to find out why my ANA blood test came back so high (some sort of antibody you only have in you if your immune system attacks good stuff in you).
I got there, nervous as can be. Mountain Rheumatology is incredbible though. The front desk lady was lovely and the doctor was funny as heck. In the last 3 months, with all this going on in my body, I seriously thought I am losing it and he played into that 100% which made me feel great! (lol, seriously!)
Awesome thing explains EVERYTHING. When I was 16 I was told I have ADD and TMS (Tension Myositis Syndrome....meaning I turn stress into phisical pain). Well turns out all this can be due to this diagnosis. The doctor spoke to me for almost 2 hours doing weird tests each time I mentioned everything that is going on in me.
He did more blood tests to make sure this disorder has not attacked to many other things inside of me.
Diagnosis Sjogrens Syndrome. I have it all besides the horrid dry eyes (though the test for that showed I do not have much wetness in my eye going on). The worst is the morning cough (super dry mucus) and the numbness/pain in my hands and feet and the swollen lymphnodes of course. Sjogrens goes along with lots of other Autoimmune Disorders in my case (though he is waiting for more test results) Lupus (basically the same without the whole "I attack all of your fluid making glands. yaaaaarrrr!" like Sjogrens does.) Sjogrens is the cousin disorder of lupus.
This is very treatable!! For now, since I flared up (most autoimmune disorders flare up due to stress) I am put on prednisone (I have to take 30mg for a week and will then dapper of and stay at 5mg until I flare up again). I am also on hydroxychlor for the rash that comes along with this poo.
My lungs are monitored and so are my kidneys and most important my lymphnodes. This is, for me, the scariest part. My lymphnodes are swollen (fluid gets stuck...remember? My immune system is attacking my glands too)...this can cause Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma (cancer). So I must check a good girl and take all my meds and stay away from stress.
Now....I am STILL pushing play and the doc was amazed by it! Les Milles is very good for me...any type of workout really. My sister suggested going on a juice fast which I will certainly do :)
Alright, on that note I will go kick myself into gear with Pump and Burn and my P90X Interview. Enjoy your weekend lovely people. <3
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