Thursday, September 8, 2011

Almost Done With This Cold!

Yes, I feel a bit better and are very happy about it. Now my little sweet daughter is starting to get sick though and that is INSANELY hard. Husband is working crazy hours, sick kid, I am sick...oh the dogs still need two walks a day. Laundry....Goulash almost ready? Darn...should not eat caramel covered popcorn. Pick up giant piles of dog crap, explaining my daughter that there is no monster under her bed, giving her a new lip gloss because she made no. 2 in the big girl potty, brush the the Weim so she does not get jealous while I brush dog one. Vacuum now that I am done with the fur ball (very very big ball). Feed Malamute...(he is scared of food, previous owner didn't seem to care, he ate only one to two cups a day and is very underweight, now its 3 cups and a can of tuna,) fold laundry, realizing we are out of milk...running to the store, coming back, slapping my head cause I left the slow cooker on, cleaning the cat litter box, drinking a Shakeology shake, playing Starcraft II with my son, wondering why Juliet has my phone, putting laundry away, stopping the dog from eating my daughters baby doll, cleaning the kitchen AGAIN!, pulling on my hair to see if I can still feel pain, using the restroom to find two kids and two dogs waiting on the other side of the door, really wanting to eat a whole chicken, watching my son chasing his cat, watching my daughter hide in the cabinets, phone calls, reading a letter from HOA saying we have some weeds in the front that need pulling, PULLING the F'ing weeds, drinking a coke zero (yes I know), sitting on my bed for a second wondering how awesome it would be to sleep, finding my daughter with all of her nail polish on the kitchen floor my son is next to her totally proud he was able to open them all for her (waahhh!!!!!), dishwasher is done, thing must be broken cause the dishes don't seem clean, hand  washing the dishes.....AND THEN?! Yoga X and the world seems wonderful again. Thank you P90X.

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