Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Day 79! Plyo And Some Abs.

Auu! I am so incredibly sore today! I did not expect to feel it that much and I LOVE it! I see now why there is one extra lifting week in the last Phase. Only 11 days to go. I am sort of sad! 
I finally got my 2lbs back. Ha! I upped my calories by 200 a day and are doing great with my diet. Found out that raw almonds are way better then roasted almonds and that is what helps me increasing my calories. 
I am totally excited to make a transformation video after P90X! I am not too great at making videos, but who cares!

Anyways, did Plyo X today but skipped the bonus round plus round two so I can do Abs/Core Plus. I am trying not to do doubles until my cortisol levels are under control. So I figured I cut a bit out of one workout to be able to do the other one. I just had too...while I have the DVD why not use it. I am addicted  to  ab soreness O_O
That is all for today, I got interrupted a lot by my kiddos today so my heart rate did not go up higher then 148. Which is alright....goosfraba.

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