Monday, October 3, 2011

Back To Core. Big Smile

What a weekend, what a day. I have to make this short because I crave going outside with my little humans. 
I killed Back to Core today, in the beginning of the workout you do 6 sets of 1 minute long jumping jacks (different arm movements to warm up your back). The first time I did it I was able to do 30 seconds on and off, not because my heart rate didn't let me but because I got side stitches like you would not believe. The second time I was 45 seconds on, 15 seconds of and today I finished the 6 minutes no problems at all. 
All in all I had to take no break the entire workout. Everything lower back still challenges me quite a bit but I will get there as well. My legs burn from the Strength workout yesterday, I enjoy that feeling tons. Tomorrow it is Vertical Plyo day....I am scared.

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