Friday, October 14, 2011

Gameday And Overtime!

I am cold...shivering because after I just finished my workout I had to get into the shower with all my clothes on.

Now I am sitting here and can hardly type because I am filled with serotonin my fingers are shaking. This is my passion so I have a huge grin on my face....( now I can be assured that really EVERY muscle in my body has been worked on) I did Gameday which  was a bit easier then the first time around. I am unsure if that is due to me not recording it or because I got stronger. Who knows? It sure is a fun workout. I kind of hurt my elbow during the Rock Climbing plyo Push-Ups but other then that it went well. Then there was Overtime. I figured it would be hard but I had no idea. Who in the world moves that way? Well Shaun T does. He is a monster...and not like a cute Lady Gaga Monster...but more like an animal sort of Monster. 
Hardest 10 minutes ever! I recorded overtime and I am glad that I take out my background noise because I was a very bad girl and spilled a lot of potty mouth words. 

Enjoy... the video...

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