Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Strength. Day 23

I just realized I have only 7 days left...the good thing with this program was that I had a Relief day every 4 days or so. Now I only have one more Relief/Off day which is on Monday. Ugh...this will be hard! 
I felt great this morning! My workout went grand as well but not even 20 minutes later I had a horrid migraine. I used to have those about every day...had maybe two days a week where  I was pain free yet ever since I am taking care of myself I have it under control. So today came like a huge painful surprise. 3 hours later and the pain is gone but I have this sort of pain aura lingering in my neck and head. It hurt so bad!
Anyways...I just need to move slow for the rest of the day. I took some pictures today. Hope you enjoy them. If anyone wonders why I am always in underpants, well I am part of Team UP and UP stands for it is much less warm during  my workouts. haha

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