Tuesday, October 18, 2011


I just listened to the Team Up call from last night and I find this to be a grand idea. This is how it works <--->I am going to start a new group of only 5 people who are ready to give it there all to start a Beachbody Challenge beginning November 1st of this year. If you are one of those 5 people you will have to commit yourself to fitness and nutrition. You have to be accountable to yourself and... your group partners. That includes starting a Beachbody program, get on Shakeology HD, AND join as a Club member at a 30-day free trial. There will be Challenge packs which include the workout of your choice and Shakeology for coach prices!!! Plus free shipping!
Who is ready to kick some behind with me?! I worked of my butt to get where I am today. 75lbs are GONE!! Message me if you want to be a part of that group!

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