Monday, October 17, 2011

What Is Next Shaun T!?

What a day! It is my babies 5th birthday. We had his party yesterday and I am quite glad we did since I was not able to get out of bed this morning. I was stuck in my bathroom for a while. Never the less my kiddos are having lots of fun, they are eating as many cookies as they can in the cave I build them. it is raining out so we made it very cozy. Mommy stays close to the bathroom though. O_O
Of course I pressed play. Later then normal and I thought to do being under the weather that I would not be able to bring it too hard. BUT...I killed it. Each move! I did not have to stop once and did the whole two minutes of One Legged Jump Tucks. Go me!!
I am spent now and will continue laying on the floor. Speed and Agility tomorrow! I sure hope I will find the same strength as I did today.

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