Sunday, October 16, 2011

Back To Core On Sunday

Hello everyone, I hope all of you have a fantastic Sunday! My apologies on not posting yesterday. I changed my Rest Day from Monday to yesterday because I had to bake a great amount of cakes and pies for my sons birthday party which was today. So I will do Vertical Plyo tomorrow!
It was a very long but fun weekend. I can not believe my son is already 5 years old. He is getting so big and time is flying. I wish I could stop time for a bit.
As soon as everyone left I knocked out Back to Core and have this crazy awesome burn in my back, buns and hams now. I love it! I checked my weight yesterday to see if everything is in check and it dropped a bit more...just means I have to increase calories which should not be hard. *stares at pumpkin loaf*

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