Monday, October 10, 2011

Day 15. Speed And Agility

I don't get it. It was snowing two days ago and incredibly cold yesterday...but today? It is super warm. Colorado weather...strange. Today I did Speed and Agility. I need tighter pants for that. My bum is all over the place in that workout. haha
It did seem a tad easier. I had a blast with the Mountain Climber Ab Progression. I made a video today but haven't had the chance to compare it to my first Speed and Agility video...I wonder.
Yesterdays Fit Test picture made it on the main The Asylum Facebook page. So cool :) I want to be all the way on the top and get as many people as possible motivated and fit. If you are not working out yet or are not being lovely to your body...TRY IT! It feels amazing and too me is like a drug. My pain reliever, my me time.
Anyways, here is  the video! Enjoy your days Fitness Monsters!


  1. Girl!!! That's an awesome workout!! Did you make that up yourself!!!

  2. thanks man, but no, that is all from The Asylum! The hardest Beachbody workout out there right now. :) You are almost done with P90X!!
