Monday, October 24, 2011

Basically LAST DAY!

Happy Monday to all of you! How crazy is it that I am about to be done with my 3rd Beachbody program?! Speed and Agility went good today though mentally I really had to push myself HARD. All I kept thinking is "last time...I am almost done" and here I am, about to be done. All there is left is tomorrows Fit Test! Madness!! 
Next to my normal workout I did tons of walking today. My son is crazy about Dinos so we went to Denvers Museum and looked at the dinosaur bones. They also had robo dinos there that looked so real that Jakes got scared! He ended up going in though and loved it. 
Anyways, hope you all are just as excited as me when it comes to my final fit test! 

I had a huge lunch today...lately I am eating tons of omelets. Today I took 2 eggs, 2 egg whites, 3oz of turkey breast and 3 oz of grape tomatoes. I could eat it all day!

1 comment:

  1. The omelet looks great! Congrats on finishing your 3rd Program. I just finished my P90X Lean also. I plan on starting the Classic version soon. :)
