Sunday, October 23, 2011

Forgot To Post!

My bad! And happy Sunday to all of you. I, strangely, forgot to post yesterday. It was not a good day for me. I sleep with a mouth guard at night and forgot to put it in...needless to say my TMJ was killing me all Saturday. I was very happy to learn that it is "just" Back to Core. No nothing. My back has gotten SO strong! 
It is only two days till I am done with The Asylum. The biggest change I have seen so far is in my hamstrings which where always very very weak. I do not think I lost tons of inches but I am very much stronger. 
Today I will be putting together my own hybrid. It will be mostly P90X...and I fill in some of my favorite P90X PLUS workouts and some Asylum. I will take in Back to Core for sure and some Speed and Agility. I think I will do this hybrid for 60 days.
I do not want to bore you guys with just workout updates so I will be adding (and this is a recipes. 

Today is a fantastic rest day...I will do some leg wraps and drink lots of water. I did not get to a whole gallon the last couple of days so I feel icky.
Thank you for following me...

Love most of always!

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