Sunday, October 30, 2011

Tomorrow We Shall Start.

Hey everyone! I hope you enjoy your Sunday! I am starting to have ants in my pants because this is the longest, since April, that I have not worked out. I feel quite sluggish (might be because of the Halloween Party we attended, lol). Sadly I had to stop my Shakeology Cleanse early due to medical issues. 
I will be starting my workout at 9am tomorrow morning! I hope lot's of you will join me!! 

Also, November 1st Beachbody is starting a challenge.  Be dedicated and bring it hard and you have the chance to win a good chunk of money. You would have to start Shakeology and a Beachbody Program of course. (we have packages with discounts launching on Tuesday, each package comes with Shakeology, the Program and a 30 day free trail for the teambeachbody page to help you along your way). 
The packages will sort of look like this:

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